
Showing posts from March 7, 2010

Who Do You Think You Are?

There is a show on NBC right now called “Who Do You Think You Are?” which is freaking awesome, especially if you like history. Celebrities, with the help of, try to track their family history until they find something cool. It shows these people going to historical societies and archives, searching census records and all the kinds of things that we historians study that nobody else really knows about or knows how to find. It’s worth watching. And as of now, there have only been two episodes, and they’re probably online somewhere. It’s awesome, I swear. Watch it! History!

My Recent Thoughts About LOST

I was nervous about the final season of LOST because I had a feeling that it was going to be a huge and massive disappointment. But actually, although there have been a few episodes that sucked it hard, but two in particular were great. Not surprisingly, they were the episodes about Locke and Ben, and they’re my favorite characters. But they were also the episodes where you find out [SPOILER ALERT] that the numbers are associated with the six candidates – you also find out what a candidate is. And in Ben’s episode you find out that everyone who has been touched by Jacob can’t die. BANANAS. I also love the new Richard Alpert, because he’s scared all the time and confused, and Jack is the crazy unpredictable one. I absolutely love it. So who can’t die? Kate (Jacob touched her on the nose when she was trying to steal that lunchbox), Sawyer (when he was writing the letter to Sawyer), Sayid (when Nadia died), Locke (when he was pushed out of the building), Sun & Jin (at their wedding), ...

THE OSCARS: The Day After

Now that I have had a day to think about it, I think I’m actually more bitter than before that Avatar didn’t win Best Picture. And here is why. It’s the same concept I was talking about before about Best Costume Design. It doesn’t matter how good the costuming was in a contemporary movie, if your film was set in Victorian England or something, you’re going to win whether you actually deserve it or not. It’s just a fact. It is sort of the same thing with Best Picture and Best Director. Kathyn Bigelow was a woman, and no woman had ever won Best Director, so she got it. It’s all political and that is crazy. It’s movies for crying out loud. The best one wins. Not the one you think will make you seem more socially aware or whatever, but the best one. And the best one was Avatar – but it was more anti-government and pro-environment and The Hurt Locker was patriotism all the way. So of course it won. I could almost understand if Avatar was a misunderstood movie and the amazingness hadn’t yet...

THE OSCARS: Part Three

I am currently at 12/13 and they are reading the nominees for Best Visual Effects, which also seems obvious to me because Avatar is so freaking ground breaking. I like that District 9 and Star Trek were also nominated, but come on. And the winner is… Avatar! This was really the award that honored the amazing and groundbreaking stuff they did. And for crying out loud, he thanked James Cameron too! It’s a conspiracy. 13/14. Best Documentary: The Cove which I saw part of and it was great. 14/15. Best Editing – this one could go either way… and the winner is… The Hurt Locker which is suprisingly what I picked. In my opinion, these awards aren’t that important. Not like, say, Visual Effects. 15/16. Best Foreign Language Film: The Secret in the Eyes, which is not what I picked. Damn. Although, I haven’t seen any of these either, but I’ll count this one I guess. 15/17. Okay, now here are the awards that actually matter. Best Actor. They are talking about each nominee before they announce who ...


I decided that picking shorts was stupid because I’d never seen any of them, so I’m currently at 4/4, which is pretty good so far. Best Make-up: Star Trek!!! 5/5 and I am very happy because they definitely deserved it. It’s not like Avatar could have been nominated anyway, because it was all CGI. I’m thinking about not including Best Documentary either, because I haven’t seen those yet either. We will see. While they show the nominees for Best Adapted Screenplay, I want to say that Rachel McAdams has a gorgeous dress on. Precious won, which is cool, but I chose Up in the Air, so I’m at 5/6. He seems happy about it, so that’s nice. Best Supporting Actress… this should be an easy one… and the winner is… Mo’Nique! Yay! I am super happy about this one because she was amazing. She got a standing ovation too, which is neat – I would cry if Meryl Streep stood up for me. 6/7. Best Art Direction goes to… Avatar!! Hooray! 7/8. I am excited that they got that – not that there was any real contest...


Here we go! We all know which awards actually matter, but I went ahead and made predictions for all of them – see the below posts for those. I honestly believe that Avatar deserves to win almost everything – it truly is an amazing film and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. The Hurt Locker was okay, but it was by no means as amazing as Avatar and everybody knows it. By the way, did you know that the lead in Avatar isn’t American? Son of a bitch. Zoe Saldena needs to work on her interview skills. She sucks and her dress is hideous. I’m just saying. Okay, so the awards don’t start until 8:30pm, so now I’m just watching bad dresses walk down the red carpet. No real standouts, except Sandra Bullock’s dress and makeup were kind of lame and boring. I’m waiting for some actual stars, but maybe they’re already there and E! sucks and missed them. And why isn’t Ernst & Young doing the tabulation this year? Weird. And seriously, there is NO WAY they’re going to let Kathy Ireland interview p...