
Showing posts from January 3, 2010

It's Complicated

Now, I know that sometimes I tend to be black and white on movies – I love or I hate them (except Up In The Air, apparently). I know I do that, but seriously, I LOVED THIS MOVIE. I am a huge fan of the R-rated comedy, as well as romantic comedies for older people – like Something’s Gotta Give. Meryl Streep, Steve Martin, Alec Baldwin. Genius. Also, Jim from The Office was a nice addition to add hilariousness. The main story is about Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin. They were married for 20+ years and have been divorced for 10 years. They have three grown children. Alec remarried a very young girl. Meryl and Alec start to have an affair. Hilariousness ensues. Steve Martin plays Meryl’s architect and kind of boyfriend, and it’s assumed she ends up with him in the end. But seriously, I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard in a movie theatre in a really long time. Like, openly laughing my ass off. I don’t want to give away too many details because I think it should be seen by you. So you shou...

Up in the Air

I did not know this was supposed to be a comedy. And it was definitely funny, for about the first half of the film. George Clooney plays a man who travels 270 days of the year and is hired out to companies to fire large chunks of employees. Surprises along the way, etc. etc. Clooney is good – a little vanilla, but good overall. The girl from Twilight (Jessica, one of Bella’s friends) was in it, and she was okay I guess, but didn’t really seem to fit. the other female in the film, Vera Farmiga (she played the psychiatrist in The Departed) was weird and also didn’t really fit. I guess that’s the good thing about George Clooney – he just seems to fit within a role in a movie, you know? He picks good ones, I guess. Sam Elliot’s cameo was awesome and I love when he’s in everything. Huzzah! Overall, it was just okay. Hm. I stand (sit, actually) corrected. Up In The Air is nominated for Best Picture, Drama. Drama? It wasn’t very dramatic, except for the end, and most of it was damn funny. Tow...

People's Choice Awards

I don’t think that Queen Latifah should host anything anymore. I mean, I really like her and everything, but what is she doing lately that qualifies her for it, you know? Then again, the People’s Choice Awards are pretty lame so it’s not that surprising. I’m just saying. She is also not so funny. And her eye shadow was crazy and very very blue. Of course, LOST did not win Best TV Drama even though it should, but whatever. The tweens who vote for People’s Choice don’t watch LOST anyway, so it’s cool. The same old stuff wins every year: Hugh Laurie, Ellen, etc. But it was nice to see Glee win (even though Modern Family deserved it more, but again, age group). Miley Cyrus won for best breakout actress, which was a huge surprise but a happy one for me because I can’t help but like her. And, of course, Taylor Lautner won for best breakout actor – that was definitely not a surprise because he is very pretty and a decent actor too, not that it matters. Lady GaGa won TWO awards (huzzah!) and...


Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Natalie Portman. Sounds like a good cast, and the previews made this movie seem awesome. The film opens on Tobey coming back home from overseas, getting ready to ship out, and visiting his family, Natalie and two kids. Then he picks his brother Jake up from jail, and finally we get opening credits. It was definitely a slow starter, and seems like a fairly low-budget film. It was quick-moving in the beginning also, which makes sense because it was only an hour and forty minutes long. Within 15 minutes we meet all the major characters and it’s assumed that Tobey, Natalie’s husband, is dead. The scene where the commanding officers tell his wife is heart-wrenching and I hate watching scenes like that – Natalie Portman did a fantastic job.I’ve always liked her. Then when Jake finds out he died, it’s acted even more perfectly. Jake Gyllenhaal really is a terrific actor. I’ve never been a huge fan of his, but he is growing into an amazing actor. Then they s...