The Geek Squad
I love the Geek Squad at Best Buy. A few weeks ago Sawyer (the dog) spilled a vanilla coke on my laptop, completely ruining it. So I took it to Best Buy and they completely fixed it, free of charge. I’m talking new keyboard, new screen, new hard drive. For free! I am now forever justified in purchasing the service plan, and I’m glad I did it because the repairs would have cost around $1500 – yikes. Anyway, they rock and I am super happy to have my laptop back and it’s all shiny and brand new-ish. Unfortunately, I have the “I want a new toy” bug, and I’ve been trying to shake it off to no avail. I dont need a new toy – especially not one that is in any way related to a computer, but alas, I have been bitten by the purchasing bug. It’s probably just the weather and the fact that I got loan money. Instead, I will try to convince myself that the money should almost exclusively be used to pay off debt. Debt. Debt. Debt. Not a new toy. Debt. We shall see.