
Showing posts from April 17, 2016

Walking Dead comics

I feel bad that I never blog. But I never have time to do it. I'm too busy working or thinking about work or playing with the dog or watching TV. Or, most recently, reading The Walking Dead  comic books. Not sure if comic books are supposed to be italicized or if I'm actually supposed to call them graphic novels or not. Don't care. Yes, I feel crappy that when I finally get into comic books it's like the most common and popular comic book - my geek genes are unhappy about that. However, I am loving it. The only beef I have with the writers/drawers/whatever is the PC term/colorist/grey scaler - is that they draw kids horribly. They just look like tiny adults, so it's creepy. Like when you go to an art museum and you realize the painter has never seen a baby before because it just looks like a midget. Uh oh, here I go with the PC terms again. Please insert the least offensive term. I think the changes from the comics to the TV show are fine, but some don't rea...