Star Trek: A Love Letter
I love Star Trek . Especially The Next Generation , which I personally think is the best ever. Of course, I've never really watched the orginial, but that will change soon. Netflix, in their enduring wisdom, has jacked up their rates to make it so you can't have the instant queue and receive DVDs in the mail without paying out the ass. Whatever, I will keep my instant queue and will be super happy. Especially because now the instant queue inclues Star Trek , Star Trek: The Next Generation , Star Trek: Voyager , and Star Trek: Enterprise . No Deep Space Nine , which is a little strange, but not important. I have started with TNG because it's my favorite and I love it. I'm currently watching season 2 out of 7, and I have seriously never been happier. And I'll tell you something - the things I used to find irritating about the show (mainly Wesley Crusher and Deanna Troi) are not irritating to me at all anymore. In fact, I think Wesley is a super interesting and well th...