
Showing posts from March 22, 2015

Monday Morning Complaint

I'm 30, so there are lots of kids in my life. I mean, not really, but most of my friends and family have children. It happens. I am not married and I don't have kids, and I don't anticipate either of those facts changing - ever. I don't want children, never have, and if I don't want kids I don't really see the need to get married. My boyfriend and I have been together for over eight years and I like the idea that if we decided to break up, we wouldn't have any paperwork. I like kids okay, especially when they're related to me because it's fun - the best part is that they aren't mine so I get to give them back, but they're fun for short periods of time. But it drives me crazy that every time I hold a baby or play with a kid or mention how cute they are or talk baby talk, there is always someone who says something like "you're next" or "you should have one too" or one of a million things that I hear every single time I...