Being sick is lame
I spent the last week with strep and the stomach flu, so I had the chance to watch several nominated movies - silver lining. I have a LOT left to watch, but I've been making good progress. First up, I want to talk about American Sniper . I read the book when it came out and thought it was well-written and interesting. Not the best book ever, but entertaining. When I heard they were making a movie about it, I decided I had no interest in seeing it because they were probably going to turn it into some movie like The Hurt Locker where they just constantly talk about how horrible war is and how sad life is for people in the military. I'm not saying that isn't true in a lot of cases, but how many times can you see the same movie with the exact same themes? However, I have decided to see everything that's nominated, so I had to watch it, and I was pleasantly surprised. Of course, he had PTSD when he came back, but they dealt with it in such an honest and real way that it w...