My bad.
It has been almost an entire month since I’ve posted, and I blame my job because it’s easy to blame things on. I recently started a bookclub with my sister, and the first book we chose was The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo because I already read it and thought she would enjoy it. We will see. Nothing pop culture related has really been happening. New season of Survivor, etc but nothing outstanding. The Social Network comes out soon, which is a movie about Facebook written by Aaron Sorkin. If you live in a cave, Aaron Sorkin wrote The West Wing which is the greatest show ever, and also wrote A Few Good Men and Sports Night. He is amazing. The movie itself looks pretty bad because the people in it suck, like Justin Timberlake and that douche-y and annoying kid from Zombieland, but I love Aaron Sorkin and the script will be great no matter what. Also, Facebook is awesome so how can they really go wrong? TV has been lame lately, and I’m still watching the train wreck that is the Kardashians...