The Lovely Bones
I took a class in grad school titled “Mental Health and Contemporary Fiction” and we read a book by Alice Sebold. That is how I came upon The Lovely Bones, the book and the film. The book was… well… to be honest I didn’t really enjoy it. At first it was interesting and good, but then it got weird and boring and kind of lame. There was a lot of skimming towards the end of the book, and I am not ashamed to tell you that. But, nonetheless, I wanted to see the film. Stanley Tucci, Mark Wahlburg, Susan Sarandon – I can’t pass something like that up even if I wanted to. But I’ll tell you what – they did a good job on making a kind of crappy book into a decent movie, and I believe that is all because of Stanley Tucci. I have always liked him, but he really is different and awesome in this film – totally creepy, but great. I think one of the best parts is that he doesn’t look or act like Stanley Tucci at all, except with his hands and little things like that. He is a great actor. Now, in the b...