Django Unchained
I love awards season, because it forces me to watch films I would never watch otherwise - and it turns out amazing because I get to see movies like Django Unchained , which is SO not my style but was absolutely great. Quentin Tarentino usually does, for lack of a betetr word, weird movies that I think are largely indulgent and appeal to an audience that... well I don't know who his audience is, but it isn't me. However, with this movie, he somehow made this western about slavery that was a comedy but a drama but also challenged your assumptions about what movie music should be like. The best word for it is innovative. Maybe some of the gambles turned out a little strange, like some of the music - but when there's a big shootout in a movie set before the Civil War and the music is hard rap, that's definitely something different but also something really cool. Overall, I think it worked - and a big part of that was the casting and the humor in the script. Speaking of ...