
Showing posts from June 29, 2014

Pretty Little Liars

Because most new shows on television are terrible - seriously terrible - I've been trying to find new shows on Netflix that I haven't seen that maybe I would like. So now I'm hooked on Pretty Little Liars . In case you've never seen it, you should. I don't want to ruin any of it if you decide to watch it, but it's a show that just started the fifth season on ABC Family. And I know saying that it's on ABC Family is reason enough not to watch it - trust me, I've seen Secret Life and I hated it. But I also watched the first season of Switched at Birth before it got terrible, and that show had a little promise. The problem with shows on ABC Family is that they try to fit every possible problem teenagers might have and throw it all into one show. Drugs, lesbians, pill-popping, anorexia, bulimia, mental illness, blindness - I mean seriously, what school is this? And how does one social group have all of these problems at once? I would be like, hey guys, I do...