The Lord of the Rings (i.e. J.K. Rowling sucks)
J.K. Rowling sucks. I love Harry Potter and the whole series, but I have one (actually, several, but whatever) problem with the whole thing. The Lord of the Rings. I haven’t read the books – I tried once but it was like thirty pages about what a tree looks like – but I just saw the first movie, and J.K. Rowling sucks. She ripped off, like, the entire story. From Voldemort not being in full form yet to the horacrux that makes the three of them crazy, basically the entire story is a huge rip off and it makes me irritated. Are people upset about this? Because they should be. Almost everything was taken directly from this story and it’s obnoxious and makes her way less special. OOH and how about when Liv Tyler made the water horses attack those guys? Expecto Patronum much? I mean, for pete’s sake, they even call the big bad guy The Dark Lord!!! Like, you couldn’t come up with something on your own? Here are some more (that I found on the internet because I can’t think that fast): - Frodo l...