Star Wars
I suck. For years I thought that the entire Star Wars franchise was lame and stupid. I saw Episode III and liked it, but I wasn't over the moon about it. I had no idea what I was missing. I recently went through and watched every Star Wars film from start to finish, from the original all the way through baby Anakin and the emergence of Darth Vader. Amazing. While the original movie was great, it was really The Empire Strikes Back that really surprised me. It was great from start to finish. I found that there was no lameness, no nerdy stupidness to ruin my experience. The acting was great, the effects we great, and I even. Ended the stuff that was obviously added by George Lucas at a later time. Let me take a second to discuss this. I understand that fans (the rabid ones at least) were really pissed that Lucas went back through his films and not only enchanced the effects, but added some crappy cgi... Which was great at the time but not so great in 2012. For me, I liked the cha...