Mad Men
I remember at the Golden Globes a few years ago, this show called Mad Men won a ton of awards and nobody had ever heard of it. But, of course, because apparently I’m resistent to change, I refused to watch it only on that basis. But it always sounded like a really good show, and it’s set in the late 50s early 60s, and that’s cool. I used to love that show American Dreams (remember that show? It was awesome until it got to be the late 60s and bummed everyone out) and I figured Mad Men would be a lot like that. And it kind of is, two episodes in. The first episode was okay, but was mostly riddled with “hey! check out this doctor smoking!” and “hey! everyone drinks at work!” and “hey! photo copiers don’t exist yet!” moments, which was fine but got a bit tedious. Largely, the story (as of the end of the second episode, at least, which is how much I’ve watched so far) is about this guy who is an ad executive and is possibly one of the most perfect looking people alive. I’m not saying he’s n...