
Showing posts from March 12, 2017


Written by Clare Mackintosh,  I See You  starts like every other psychological thriller I’ve read lately. Vague character details? Check. Swapping narrators? Check. Tone changes in italics? Check. So I figured it would be similar in tone and in narrative. I was still looking forward to the read, but didn’t expect much. Not my copy. Found this picture on google. Same cover art, though. I was wrong. The writing and character development was so intensely realistic and I actually had a nightmare about it last night, and I had only read the first fourth of the book. I know that sounds bad, but it’s actually a really good sign that the book is engaging and feels like real life. I don’t live in London, so other than some of the wording and processes that don’t necessarily make sense to a Midwestern girl from Ohio, I felt like I could be the main character. The dueling narrators didn’t bother me like it has before — I think because they were telling two distinct but c...

LuLaRoe = Awesome.

Dressing yourself is wicked difficult. I know that sounds juvenile, but deciding what to wear every day is the worst. Boys have it easier, and so does everyone who wears a uniform to work. I recognize that is not a popular opinion, but I miss wearing a uniform — decisions are already made for you. It’s because of this difficulty that most of my closet is full of black and grey. Dr. Malcolm from Jurassic Park (the book, not the movie), was right when he said,  “In any case, I wear only two colors, black and gray…These colors are appropriate for any occasion…I believe my life has value, and I don’t want to waste it thinking about clothing. I don’t want to think about what I will wear in the morning. Truly, can you imagine anything more boring than fashion? Professional sports, perhaps. Grown men swatting little balls, while the rest of the world pays money to applaud. But, on the whole, I find fashion even more tedious than sports.” However, I recognize that in the corporat...