my reading wish list
Every year since I think 2011, I have read 52 books each year. I am probably too proud of this, but I think it's awesome and fun and I get to read a lot of great books and some pretty terrible ones. I don't have any sort of requirement, and count graphic novels too. Here is my current hold list at the library (and yes, I said library — I refuse to pay for books to take up more space in my house — I love books, but I also live in a 700 square foot apartment with my boyfriend and dog and there is no room for the thousands of books I read and own — my Kindle rocks): The Woman in Cabin 10 — Ruth Ware → I’m really digging this psychological “I don’t know what’s happening in this book but somehow I’m still reading it” genre, and In a Dark, Dark Wood was surprising good Fatal — John Lescroart → Periodically, I go through the New York Times’ Bestseller list because I like reading books that people are talking about — for this reason, I read the Fifty Shades tri...