
Showing posts from February 12, 2012

Grammys 2012 continued...

Watching Katy Perry perform, I'm thinking she has sour grapes about the divorce. In general, I enjoy Katy Perry - except that I think she sounds awful live because she can't really hit the high notes she thinks she can. Once she and Russell Brand announced they were getting divorced, I decided to side with Russell Brand. He is super funny and great - so in general, I think Katy Perry kind of sucks now. Yes, I am fickle and I don't care. They're celebrities - it's not like they're real people. :) Okay. Look. I try not to be too judgmental... at least for people I like. And I like Adele a lot. But her performance was... weird. I remember when she performed "Someone Like You" - it was amazing and her tone and pitch were dead on. Tonight she did "Rolling in the Deep" and, well, it was off. Like, I guess she hit all of the notes and everything, but the tone of her voice sounds messed up. I know she had surgery on her vocal chords and this was her ...

Grammys 2012

You know, I always think the Grammys are going to be great, and I am usually disappointed. This year, so far, is no exception. It's only an hour into the show and everything has been boring. What I don't like is that they hardly give out any awards anymore on the live telecast - it's all performances, and usually pretty crappy ones. I mean, seriously. Rihanna and Coldplay? Rihanna's part was okay, but Coldplay sucks and it's not exciting or fun to listen to at all. Speaking of Rihanna, I am happy for her that she wanted to sing live instead of lip synching her performance, but maybe she should have opted for lip synching if she was going to sound so awful. I'm just saying. And by the way, why is it okay to like Chris Brown again? I thought we all got together and decided that we would hate him forever. Why am I the only one sticking to the plan? I am excited to see Adele perform, and Nicki Minaj - but overall I'm sure it will suck. It is also lame that Whitn...