
Showing posts from May 16, 2010

Grey's Anatomy

It’s not often that I’m surprised by stuff I see on TV anymore. But the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy was awesome. I actually jumped in shock. Awesome. I don’t want to give anything away, so watch it if you haven’t already cause it’s freaking sweet. They must really have low numbers if they’re willing to shoot so many characters lol. What is it, LOST? Lol. I also love that the crazy shooter is the guy who used to be the head of the secret service on The West Wing.

American Psycho

This book is fucked up. I only made it about halfway through and I stopped reading, and here’s why. First of all, this guy bitches for more of the book (that I read anyway) about clothes and what belt goes with what and all that – very OCD, very crazy. And he hangs out with his douchey friends and he idolizes Donald Trump because it’s set in the 1980s. So then, the author starts describing the gross and very detailed sex that he has with random people. Yuck. Watching a sex scene in a movie is one thing, reading one in a book is another and it’s disgusting and makes me want to vomit. I don’t know how people read romances novels and don’t barf all over the place. I like the word barf. Anyway, so once you get past the gross sex scenes (using the word dilated in a sex scene is not sexy it’s gross), then he starts killing people. Which I would think would be cool and fun to read because serial killers are awesome, but unfortunately, the first killing scene is him killing a bum. No biggie, b...

Red Dead Redemption

Okay, so have you ever played Grand Theft Auto? Of course you have, because you’re alive. Everyone has played that game or at least watched someone else play it for hours on end. Anyway, so if you know about the game you know that you can steal cars and stuff and beat up hookers and all that. It’s super addictive and awesome – especially because you can change the radio station when you’re driving. Fun! Anyway, there’s this new game out called Red Dead Redemption and it’s just like Grand Theft Auto only set in the in west in the 1880s or so. So like, you’re a cowboy, Tombstone-style and you ride a horse and have a duster coat and hang out in saloon and beat up whores in brothels in stuff. It’s awesome. I would highly recommend it. Not that I have played it really, but it’s a blast to watch, and is more asthetically pleasing to watch – especially for history nerds like us! And there are stage coaches! It’s seriously awesome. Ch-ch-check it out.