
Showing posts from July 13, 2008

Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again!

So I was reading this morning and on the site is a link for a leaked version of Mamma Mia, which doesn’t come out until Friday. Sweet!!! So right now, at work (because my job is amazing) I’m watching it, and I’m really glad I didn’t pay $8 or whatever it is to see it in the theatre. I mean, I love musicals probably more than the average person, but as it turns out, I don’t really like ABBA. However, I LOVE Meryl Streep. A lot. She is totally the best ever, and she’s a pretty good singer too. The biggest surprise is the daughter from Big Love, you know, bug-face, blonde hair – is actually really good too! She’s one of the leads, and I really like her… Plus she looks a lot like Meryl Streep, so it’s believable that she could be her daughter. It’s getting progressively better, but I think seeing it once is plenty, unlike RENT or Chicago which I could watch over and over again. I also didn’t know that Madonna’s “Hung Up” song was sampled from ABBA. Creepy. Anyway, if you wa...