
Showing posts from February 24, 2013

The Oscars 2013

The Oscars are tonight and I am super excited! Unfortunately, it looks like most of the stuff I want to win... won't. Jennifer Lawrence, Argo, Anne Hathaway, and Robert DeNiro do not deserve to win, in my opinion. I think that Lincoln should absolutely clean up, but I realize that not everyone shares my opinion about stuff. They are wrong. :) Now that I have an awesome attached keyboard for my iPad, I will likely be live blogging during the show, which I will be watching from Oklahoma because I'm visiting my sister. Huzzah for Oscar season!!! Hope there are some fireworks, some surprises, and I hope Seth McFarlane isn't horrible. Here's hoping! Okay, so it didn't work. Nobody was streaming the show last night because the Academy of Arts and Sciences decided that nobody could watch it online. Whatever. So I read IMDB's live updates to see who won, and overall I am disappointed. Not only did John Williams get the shaft yet again, but the acting awards were to...