LuLaRoe = Awesome.

Dressing yourself is wicked difficult. I know that sounds juvenile, but deciding what to wear every day is the worst. Boys have it easier, and so does everyone who wears a uniform to work. I recognize that is not a popular opinion, but I miss wearing a uniform — decisions are already made for you.
It’s because of this difficulty that most of my closet is full of black and grey. Dr. Malcolm from Jurassic Park (the book, not the movie), was right when he said, 

“In any case, I wear only two colors, black and gray…These colors are appropriate for any occasion…I believe my life has value, and I don’t want to waste it thinking about clothing. I don’t want to think about what I will wear in the morning. Truly, can you imagine anything more boring than fashion? Professional sports, perhaps. Grown men swatting little balls, while the rest of the world pays money to applaud. But, on the whole, I find fashion even more tedious than sports.”

However, I recognize that in the corporate world, color is practically a necessity. I was getting tired of wearing black pants, boots, a muted shirt and a black or grey cardigan every single day. Old Navy’s clothing wears out pretty quickly, and I am consistently disappointed with the selection at Kohl’s. A few friends of mine were in some LuLaRoe groups on Facebook, and I joined and won a free pair of leggings.

Leggings, to me, are silly, especially when you’re a plus-sized girl. The pattern stretches or they bunch up unflatteringly, and you feel even fatter than you are. I was wrong. LuLaRoe leggings are ridiculously comfortable and literally feel like you aren’t wearing anything.

Of course, I’m not one to only try something a little, and before I knew it I was at least $200 into LuLaRoe, and am currently in almost ten Facebook groups. And it’s great. The sizing is sometimes flawed, and I don’t like the very 80s idea of tying my clothes in a knot, but the fabrics are breathable, comfortable, and mostly flattering. I started wearing dresses and skirts to work, and leggings almost every day.

But styling is still a challenge. I like giant drape-y clothes, but that really isn’t work appropriate, so I started mixing and matching. Yesterday I wore this:
It’s a LuLaRoe Perfect Tee over a Madison skirt with black leggings and my favorite (non-LuLaRoe) cardigan.

The belt helps with the overly-drape-y style of the clothes, plus apparently I am buying everything too big. They recommend you tied together the sides of the Perfect Tee, but it feels too soccer mom for me, so I love it this way. Both the shirt and the skirt flowed together and made it look like one garment. And check it out - green! Color!

My advice to anyone interested in trying LuLaRoe is to ask questions before you buy, and check out YouTube. There are lots of videos showing what different sizes look like, because you can’t trust the size guide. 18–22 doesn’t mean 18–22 in all cases. And the flowy fabrics mean you usually have more room than you think. Also, the arms of the Nicole are tight — take that into consideration.
Something you can’t always tell from Facebook album pictures is that there are at least three different fabric types for each style, and I have named them for me: jersey; stretchy/shiny; polyester-y. I know, they are awesome names. The jersey fabric is usually the more heathered patterns and they are flowy and flattering. In the middle dressy-wise. The stretchy/shiny fabric is a little clingy for my taste, especially in the bra area (I know you know what I mean), so I usually wear a tank underneath, which seems a little counter-productive. I hardly ever wear the stretchy/shiny fabric shirts I have. The polyester-y is my favorite. Both my Amelia dresses (THE BEST EVER — buy an Amelia right now even if you think it will look stupid — it doesn’t) are made from this fabric. It’s thicker and more structured, so it definitely hides… things you want hidden.

Okay, now it’s picture time. Pictures of real people wearing LuLaRoe will be the most helpful thing to decide what you want to buy. And let’s be honest, the price point is a little high, so you want to make the right choices. The item I have the hardest time with is Carly. Maybe mine are too big, but it’s so unstructured that I find it hard to wear. You’ll see in the pictures.
This was the first LuLaRoe outfit I ever wore to work, and I really went for it. Classic tee over Nicole with leggings! Classic tee is stretchy/shiny and Nicole is jersey.

Mostly likely, this Perfect Tee is too big, but I love it anyway. It’s perfect with jeans or leggings, and I wear this almost every casual Friday at work. Comfy and jersey fabric!
My other Nicole, also jersey. Tight on the arms and the stomach part makes me nervous, but somehow it still looks good. And everything looks better with a cardigan. I’m also wearing Star Trek leggings, but you can’t tell from the picture. Ha ha.

This is my too-big Carly, jersey. I have a hard time with this one, but this is the only way I’ve been able to wear it that looks okay — I did an inside knot, so it’s okay, but not great.
Irma in the stretchy/shiny fabric — this picture actually makes it look better than I felt in it. The Irma is long in the back so I have been tucking the back in so I can still wear my favorite cardigan. These pictures have shown me I might wear black cardigans too much.

Not to be derailed, I bought a green Carly (jersey) in a smaller size, and it’s definitely better. I love this combo with the drape-y sweater and boots and scarf. I’ve already worn this exact combo twice! Also, leggings of course.
My wonderful Amelia in the polyester-y fabric. It’s super flattering and comfy. It has a zipper up the back and yes, you can wear it backwards. Kinda squishes your top, so you might like it better that way.

This is that same Irma from before, jersey fabric, with a blue heathered jersey Lindsay on top. Lindsey? Not sure on that. It’s a large Lindsay and it’s huge. Also weird and I’m not sure it will ever be worn out of the house. We’ll see. I also have a thinner shiny Lindsay I’m excited about.
This is the grey Nicole from the first picture (jersey) with leggings and boots and cardigan. I really like this combo — but I definitely have to wear a tank underneath to help with the squishing up top.

This is me today at work! If you pull the Madison way up, it’s a super cute skirt with pockets. Love it and especially love it in black. It’s more of a crinkly jersey fabric, somewhere in between jersey and polyester-y.

I’m going to wear Amelia with the black shiny Lindsay to a wedding next month. I’ll make sure to take pictures, and I’m hoping it will work. I’m not usually a dress person, so wearing one without leggings is going to be a challenge. I would love to do that at work, but my tattoos and general professionalism say no.

Happy LuLaRoe shopping! If you want to see any other items, let me know. I have no interest in being a consultant for the company, but I like helping other people find comfy and awesome new clothes!


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