Fifty Shades of Bananas

Okay, so everyone (including Elvis Duran in the morning) was talking about the book Fifty Shades of Grey, and I was only mildly interested. Then, it was on the cover of Entertainment Weekly, and they were saying it is the most popular ebook of, like, all time. Who can pass that up? Because I know it was basically a porn novel disguised as erotica, I refused to pay for it... So I downloaded. I am about a quarter of the way through the second book in the trilogy and damn if it isn't a fun read. The author used to write twilight fan fiction, which is nerdy and lame, but it got her a book deal. She writes like Stephanie Meyer in that sort of annoying and not particularly talented way, but also in that same way that actually makes you care about werewolves and vampires that sparkle.

This trilogy is the same way. I have no interest in erotica, mostly because they use stupid synonyms for penis and vagina, but I am compelled to read the next kindle page, the next chapter. The characters are very similar to Edward and Bella, but a little more crazy and fucked up... But somehow it makes it more interesting. The sex stuff is definitely weird and gross at first, especially the s&m stuff, but you get used to it like it is a completely normal plot device. She does a good job keeping the sex scenes short enough that they aren't creepy, but long enough that it keeps you interested.

The amazing thing to me is that these books are so popular - now we know why kindles and nooks are so perfect.when I was in college and headed to a boring lecture hall class, I would sometimes bring old Sweet Valley High books to read in class, but I would seriously cover the cover with something so nobody would know what I was reading. Now you don't have to! You can read porn all you want and nobody will ever be the wiser! Of course that is why this book is so popular and of course it stems from something twilighty. I am sure other authors are pissed because an unknown is getting so much attention, but if you stop and think about it, it makes perfect sense. Not so great author (like Stephanie Meyer or J.K. Rowling) writes in the same style as tween books but writes an adult novel trilogy about sex and love. It is seriously the perfect combination. Genius!Hopefully the rest of the second book and the third book are good. Somehow, she has made Christian a totally believable character. Ana is less believable but it still works, like Bella worked even though it didn't make sense. I know they have sold the rights to a movie, but it really needs to be at least NC-17 to have any impact, and if they cast Kristin Stewart I will freak out. I'm thinking Ian Somerholder for Christian (from lost and the vampire diaries) and I don't know for Ana, although Nina Dobrev is a decent choice. Happy reading!!!


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