Monday Morning Complaint

I'm 30, so there are lots of kids in my life. I mean, not really, but most of my friends and family have children. It happens. I am not married and I don't have kids, and I don't anticipate either of those facts changing - ever. I don't want children, never have, and if I don't want kids I don't really see the need to get married. My boyfriend and I have been together for over eight years and I like the idea that if we decided to break up, we wouldn't have any paperwork.

I like kids okay, especially when they're related to me because it's fun - the best part is that they aren't mine so I get to give them back, but they're fun for short periods of time. But it drives me crazy that every time I hold a baby or play with a kid or mention how cute they are or talk baby talk, there is always someone who says something like "you're next" or "you should have one too" or one of a million things that I hear every single time I look at a baby. My boyfriend's sister recently had a baby, officially the cutest kid in the world, and I was holding her and said, "it would be cool if your baby looked just like you." You'd think I announced my pregnancy right there.

So what, I can't say anything? I can't hold a baby or be happy for other people without wanting one myself? I don't want kids. It's not in the cards for me. I'm not saying never, but probably never. After eight years, people have finally stopped asking us when we're getting married, but the baby talk is seemingly endless, and I hate it. You people are making me hate kids and hate you even more. Leave me alone. It's my choice and you don't know my circumstances - maybe I can't have kids and you should feel really bad about yourself. That's not true, but for all I know, it might be. Who cares? Back off once in awhile. Let one comment go for fuck's sake.


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