People's Choice Awards

I don’t think that Queen Latifah should host anything anymore. I mean, I really like her and everything, but what is she doing lately that qualifies her for it, you know? Then again, the People’s Choice Awards are pretty lame so it’s not that surprising. I’m just saying. She is also not so funny. And her eye shadow was crazy and very very blue.

Of course, LOST did not win Best TV Drama even though it should, but whatever. The tweens who vote for People’s Choice don’t watch LOST anyway, so it’s cool. The same old stuff wins every year: Hugh Laurie, Ellen, etc. But it was nice to see Glee win (even though Modern Family deserved it more, but again, age group). Miley Cyrus won for best breakout actress, which was a huge surprise but a happy one for me because I can’t help but like her. And, of course, Taylor Lautner won for best breakout actor – that was definitely not a surprise because he is very pretty and a decent actor too, not that it matters.

Lady GaGa won TWO awards (huzzah!) and Sandra Bullock certainly cleaned up, but the biggest surprise for me was that Eminem won for best hip hip artist. I mean, wtf? Have you HEARD that song where he’s like “i musta killed em, killed em”? It’s possibly the worst song I have ever heard, and not just by Eminem, who I used to like. It’s like he got stuck doing the Triumph the Comic Dog voice and hasn’t been able to snap out of it yet.


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