Up in the Air

I did not know this was supposed to be a comedy. And it was definitely funny, for about the first half of the film. George Clooney plays a man who travels 270 days of the year and is hired out to companies to fire large chunks of employees. Surprises along the way, etc. etc. Clooney is good – a little vanilla, but good overall. The girl from Twilight (Jessica, one of Bella’s friends) was in it, and she was okay I guess, but didn’t really seem to fit. the other female in the film, Vera Farmiga (she played the psychiatrist in The Departed) was weird and also didn’t really fit. I guess that’s the good thing about George Clooney – he just seems to fit within a role in a movie, you know? He picks good ones, I guess. Sam Elliot’s cameo was awesome and I love when he’s in everything. Huzzah!

Overall, it was just okay. Hm. I stand (sit, actually) corrected. Up In The Air is nominated for Best Picture, Drama. Drama? It wasn’t very dramatic, except for the end, and most of it was damn funny. Towards the end it got a little “indie” for my taste, but it wasn’t what I would call a drama. Whatever. If they had called it a comedy, I bet it would have a better chance at winning some stuff.

It’s nominated for Best Picture, Drama, which I bet it doesn’t win. Clooney is up for Best Actor, which he has a shot at, but I hear that Jeff Bridges in Crazy Heart is probably going to win. I haven’t seen it yet, so we shall see. Both the girls I talked about before are nominated for Best Actress in a Supporting Role, which I’m betting on Mo’Nique for in Precious. Also, Best Director and Screenplay, which I don’t think it wins. Whatev. I’m vanilla about this movie.


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