Wasting Time

if you *are* ready to waste time, go here: www.songtapper.com
because it is genius. i have been trying to stump it, and it even knows the theme to gilmore girls! that’s impressive.

ugh back to work tomorrow. hopefully i’ll also take my car to get it checked at walmart before i drive to oooooooklahoma to visit my seeester. i think that’s all i need to do, other than hopefully get gas money from her for the 14-16 hour drive. fun fun fun.

ryan got into grad school at wsu, which is super exciting and we’re taking a class together. he doesn’t want to get his degree from wright state, so he’ll probably take advantage of the relatively cheap tuition for awhile until he decides where he wants to go – probably ohio state, but who knows. we should also be finding out soon whether or not he gets a sweet raise and an assistant manager title at his work, which would be super awesome. i, as always, am looking for a good job that pays $10+ an hour and isn’t a call center. slim pickins in dayton, let me tell you. but i’m holding out hope that one day i will get a job at wright state and get free tuition. one day, it will happen and i will keep getting degrees from wright state for all time. hooray!

okay, this is completely unrelated, but ryan was just flipping through channels on tv and the second jackass movie was on and seriously, this guy put his penis through a hole into a cage where there was a snake that attacked it. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? and i suppose the better question is, who decided that would be something worth filming to later turn into a movie? i mean seriously, that’s not even funny it’s gross and creepy. don’t get me wrong, physical comedy is hysterical, but not like that – people actually getting hurt is not funny. ick.


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