Classes, Oklahoma, and Potential Homes

i’m pretty excited about spring quarter, which starts on the 31st of this month. i’m taking four classes, which is only 12 credits because two of the classes are only 2 credits each.
- local history archives
- historical interpretation & exhibits
- information management
- historic preservation

ryan is taking historic preservation with me, which will make that 3.5 hour class a little more palatable. i’m not really looking forward to the local history class, because it sounds like all we’re going to do is hang out in the archives and look up stuff about paul laurence dunbar or the wright brothers. snore. the exhibits class should be good, and i’m glad there are no books for that class – i’m hoping it’ll be hands on. i have to get an internship at some point before i get my degree, and that class will be super helpful with that. the information management class i’m not really sure about because the book is *really* expensive, and that’s never a good sign.. but you never know, i guess. i only took 6 credits in winter (victorian england and oral history), so i hope to do okay with double the class load. i should be okay, but those two days when i’m at wright state from 9am-10pm will be rough. ick.

i need to start packing for oklahoma because i’m planning on leaving wednesday night after my final. my professor is having us come to her house for wine, cheese, and our presentations. yuk. i tried to get out of it, but it’s 10% of my grade and i don’t want that to negatively affect me if i take a class with her in the future. she DID say i could leave early, so that should be good. if i’m totally awesome and don’t get tired, i should be able to drive 5 or 6 hours wednesday night before i have to stop. then again, i get tired pretty early, so who knows. we’ll see. but i do need to make a list of things not to forget, because karolyn tells me they don’t have a tv or cable, which makes me die a little inside.. so i will be bringing my laptop and portable dvd player (which i bought this week and it is SUPER awesome). i had a portable dvd player a few years back when i was supposed to go to iraq, but, surprisingly, it didn’t make it back from kuwait with the rest of my stuff. neither did any of my books or extra bdus or pt clothes. snuggles made it back, though, and that’s all that matters.

i’m also hoping to hear from teresa today or tomorrow about her house. she’s moving to germany for at least 6 months and it would be super sweet to stay in her house or maybe rent it while she’s gone. i’m not getting my hopes up though, because it’s probably an unlikely situation. it would be cool, though – especially on those above mentioned days when i’m at school for a zillion hours.. i wouldn’t have to worry about ally peeing in the house. ally’s our english bulldog, by the way.


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