
Showing posts from 2015

Fall TV, my terrible blogging skills, and photo an hour

I am terrible about blogging. It seems like I would really have a lot to say, but it turns out I don't. Sad. Fall premieres are approaching, and Fear the Walking Dead has already started. The premiere was okay - I like the premise that we finally get to see what happened before Rick woke up, but the characters and actors so far have left much to be desired. However, pilot episodes are tough, so I will wait for the second episode to make any kind of judgment. In other news, I have been trying to watch shows I normally wouldn't care about. It's how I found Modern Family , which I absolutely love. I'm in season two of That 70s Show , which is funny... but not funny enough that I thought it would last more than a few seasons, especially since it starts in 1976. After four seasons, it should really be That 80s Show, right? Whatever. Trump is seriously running for president, but I am convinced it's all a plot and he will drop out and make the real Republican candidat...

Watches and Books

I just received notification that my Apple Watch is waiting for me at my front door, and I couldn't be happier about it. Well, I would have been happier if I had received it on April 24th like I should have, but I'm still happy. Apple had some weird shipping and ordering problems with the watch, but if it's as awesome as I think it will be, all will be forgotten. I am irritated by people asking why I bought it - I want to start answering, "If you had read The Circle , you wouldn't be asking that question." Speaking of which, you should read that book - it's amazing. Last night, I started reading The Goldfinch - not because it sounded that interesting, but because it won the Pulitzer Price for fiction and it's probably smart if once and awhile I read a book that's recognized for literary talent and isn't Fifty Shades of Grey . Still, even though I knew it would probably be a good read, it stared at me from my bookshelf for about three weeks b...

Monday Morning Complaint

I'm 30, so there are lots of kids in my life. I mean, not really, but most of my friends and family have children. It happens. I am not married and I don't have kids, and I don't anticipate either of those facts changing - ever. I don't want children, never have, and if I don't want kids I don't really see the need to get married. My boyfriend and I have been together for over eight years and I like the idea that if we decided to break up, we wouldn't have any paperwork. I like kids okay, especially when they're related to me because it's fun - the best part is that they aren't mine so I get to give them back, but they're fun for short periods of time. But it drives me crazy that every time I hold a baby or play with a kid or mention how cute they are or talk baby talk, there is always someone who says something like "you're next" or "you should have one too" or one of a million things that I hear every single time I...

the home stretch?

I am trying, but it's getting tough to watch all these movies in time for the Academy Awards - it doesn't help that most of them are really depressing. But I continued undeterred and have recently seen Nightcrawler , The Judge, and Birdman . The Judge had a monster cast and was really great. I didn't know what was going to happen and the twists were interesting and kept me intrigued. Robert Downey Jr. gets snubbed a lot during awards season - he is great. Robert Duvall was good but nowhere near as good as JK Simmons in Whiplash , so I hope Duvall doesn't win. That said, I think that movie should have been nominated more - a Best Picture nod would have been nice or at least something else - it was like those older legal movies from the 50s in the way it was shot and I really enjoyed it. It felt professional and polished. Birdman was... not my kind of movie. Just like The Grand Budapest Hotel , I am not the desired audience for the film, and I'm not really sure ...

Being sick is lame

I spent the last week with strep and the stomach flu, so I had the chance to watch several nominated movies - silver lining. I have a LOT left to watch, but I've been making good progress. First up, I want to talk about American Sniper . I read the book when it came out and thought it was well-written and interesting. Not the best book ever, but entertaining. When I heard they were making a movie about it, I decided I had no interest in seeing it because they were probably going to turn it into some movie like The Hurt Locker where they just constantly talk about how horrible war is and how sad life is for people in the military. I'm not saying that isn't true in a lot of cases, but how many times can you see the same movie with the exact same themes? However, I have decided to see everything that's nominated, so I had to watch it, and I was pleasantly surprised. Of course, he had PTSD when he came back, but they dealt with it in such an honest and real way that it w...

So far so good

In anticipation for the Oscars (with the fall of pirate bay I was behind and didn't get to watch anything before the globes), I have now seen several nominated or potentially nominated films, and I have been pleasantly surprised. Last year, most of the movies were, for lack of a better word, dull. Yes, Into the Woods was weird and boring, but some of the others have been fantastic. And don't get me wrong, I love musicals as much as the next person - actually, I love musicals more than the next person. Rent , Chicago, Cats , Phantom, Book of Mormon, you name it, I usually love it. But Into the Woods was just bizarre. I saw a televised stage production of it with Bernadette Peters in college and loved it, so I assumed the movie would be that much better. But apparently college me was stupid and thought the songs were good when they were actually terrible. Sondheim rules, but not this time - the lyrics are ridiculous and sound like a third grader wrote them. And I'm telling ...

Golden Globes

I have seen nothing. Pirate bay was shut down and I was unable to download screener copies of anything, so I will be watching the Golden Globes on Sunday without having seen ANY of the nominated films. I am sad.

The Celebrity Apprentice

It's that time of year again when one of my favorite guilty pleasure shows is on - I love watching celebrities try and get along and complete ridiculous tasks. And I love Donald Trump. Starting off this season, I decided Shawn Johnson and Kevin Jonas were my picks to win. However, I didn't consider that Kevin Jonas was too nice and perhaps too effeminate to be able to take on some of the men on the team. I've always thought they should have mixed sex teams from the beginning, and I bet he would have been around longer. Of course, Geraldo should have gone home - but he's a republican and he's also ridiculous and causes a lot of conflict. It would be like Trump firing Omarosa in the first week - it would never happen. Just like Kate Gosselin should never have been chosen in the first place, but I bet she makes it farther than you'd think. My concern for Shawn Johnson is that she's too soft spoken, but by the third episode I am glad to see her speak up. So I...