Watches and Books

I just received notification that my Apple Watch is waiting for me at my front door, and I couldn't be happier about it. Well, I would have been happier if I had received it on April 24th like I should have, but I'm still happy. Apple had some weird shipping and ordering problems with the watch, but if it's as awesome as I think it will be, all will be forgotten. I am irritated by people asking why I bought it - I want to start answering, "If you had read The Circle, you wouldn't be asking that question." Speaking of which, you should read that book - it's amazing.

Last night, I started reading The Goldfinch - not because it sounded that interesting, but because it won the Pulitzer Price for fiction and it's probably smart if once and awhile I read a book that's recognized for literary talent and isn't Fifty Shades of Grey. Still, even though I knew it would probably be a good read, it stared at me from my bookshelf for about three weeks before I was bored enough last night to give it a chance. After reading about 50 pages, I couldn't believe how fast of a read it was so far. I mean, at 775 freaking pages, it'll take me weeks to read, but it's fantastic so far. The plot so far is unremarkable, but to be fair, most plots are fairly unremarkable - but the prose is great. I feel like I'm reading I Am Charlotte Simmons, which is by Tom Wolfe and is a book you should stop and read right now. Being the feminist sexist I am, I don't usually like to read books about a male character written by a woman (vice versa is also true), but so far so good.

I will now try desperately to not run home to my Apple Watch before the work day is over. It will be a monumental challenge.


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