
I think it makes me the world's worst feminist, but I don't really enjoy reading fiction written by women. Seriously. I mean, obviously chick lit is awful if it's written by a man, so there's that kind of fiction - Sarah Mlynowski, Harriet Evans (at least her first two), Jennifer Weiner, and Sophie Kinsella - all great. But when it comes to a legal thriller or other books like that, I think (in general) the ones written by women are totally awful. They have love stories or they're overly descriptive and obnoxious. Obviously, I'm sure there are some women who write great legal thrillers and government thrillers/mysteries, but I have never come across one. Yuck.

Usually I read chick lit and fun teen fiction for fun, because that's what I enjoy the most. However, lately I've been drawn to legal/government thriller/mysteries. I read Michael Connelly's The Lincoln Lawyer and absolutely loved it, as I loved the film with Matthew McConaughey - they got the casting perfect on that one. So I'm giving more of his books a shot, and I'm also trying one by David Baldacci. We will see. Sometimes those books are too predictable, but they are fast reads and are almost always enjoyable.

Anyway, women suck. :) Just kidding.


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