Big Brother

Initially, I was not that excited about the new season of Big Brother - I tend to get bored with the show about halfway through because I inevitably hate about 70% of the people and to be honest, it's on WAY too often and I never had time for it. However, I no longer have cable, and I don't watch any television that isn't on Netflix's instant queue - so it seems like perfect timing for Big Brother!

This season, they're bringing back probably six houseguests who have been on the show before, and I have mixed feelings about it. While I would LOVE to see Will back in the house, and definitely Evil Dick, I think bringing people back onto reality shows is usually a rotten idea. Like on Survivor - Boston Rob ran the table on that show this past season, and the others let him. Sure, they got rid of Russell (sad), but they still let a former player screw them all over and out of a million dollars. Former houseguests have an advantage and it isn't fair. Maybe they should make it so they can't win the show, or something. It would make me mad if I got on a reality show and I was super excited about it and then I found out that there were only seven or eight new people and six people from other past seasons - especially if the public gets to vote for anything like rewards - it's like sort of screwing over the new people.

However, I definitely like that it's an older cast this season (so far). I bet they realized that people who have the live feeds were bored to tears listening to a bunch of 20-somethings whine about their college/bartender/waitress lives. BORING. At least the older people will have something to talk about - we shall see. I am getting excited though, so I hope it isn't disappointing. I'm sure they'll bring back Jeff and Jordan, which is fine, but I think it's a dull choice. Will and Boogie would be great, so would Danielle and Dick. I just want those two, really. Although I think seeing Enzo and Dick together would be hilarious - and I really liked Enzo on whatever season he was on. Good times. I wish one of the couples they were considering were Howie and Janelle because season six was freaking awesome. July 7th! Hooray!


  1. I don't like returning houseguests either, unless it's an allstar season. What you said about Boston Rob is true. We stopped watching when he made it to the final 4 and everyone just assumed he would win, which he did.

    But, Big Brother is a little different from Survivor. They're locked up for 3 months instead of just one, the competitions have consequences, there's always an HOH and, most importantly, you can watch most of it 24/7.

    Sure, they're directed constantly from the Diary Room and are given roles to play initially. But, here's where the 3 month thing comes into play. They can't keep it up! Their true personality always comes out before halfway through the season.

    I don't know about this season. IMHO, they picked lame houseguests, at least it seems so after watching a few hours of video interviews on the live feeds. Yes, I'm a live feeder, deal with it!

    I can only hope they bring back interesting people, not Jeff and Jordan...


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