Super 8

To be completely honest, I was not overly excited about Super 8 because the previews made it look like another one of those movies where you never see the monster until the end and it's a huge disappointment. Plus, there are children actors, and that usually spells disaster and overacting.

Happily, this was not like that. I mean, it was, but in a really great way. Spielberg plus J.J. Abrams equals awesome. I don't want to give away anything if you haven't seen it, but it's basically about a group of kids who are working on a monster movie and see a train derailed and then alien destruction happens. What was great about it, though, wasn't even the plot. The cinematography was really great but subtle and the acting was extraordinarily good, especially the kids. The director of the monster movie was awesome and the lead kid was also great. My favorite, though, was the blonde kid with the braces who liked blowing stuff up. The script was surprisingly funny for a monster movie, and it kept my attention the entire time. And apparently, I have an attention span that is gnat-like, so that is more impressive than it sounds.

Overall, it was really good. I was pleasantly surprised, and it's also super great that the film was set in Ohio, super close to where I live. That never EVER happens and Ohio is awesome and they didn't make us look like hicks. We are, but at least they didn't make us look like it. :) It was fantastic and amazing and the monster was really realistic looking and cool.

The ending was a little ET and there were a lot of vertical grabs, LOST-style. To be fair, it was J.J. Abrams and Steven Spielberg, so it's kind of to be expected. But even the shots of the kid riding his bicycle echoed ET for me. The ending was going to be lame, and we all knew it, but at least they wrapped it up quickly. One of the best parts is that they showed the super 8 film the kids were making at the end, and it was super great.

Overall, it's a definitive A, a solid A. I wasn't bored, the acting was excellent, the storyline progressed quickly and without any problems, and it was funny. It also made me jump a bunch of times, always a plus. The train crash in the beginning was awesome and just kept going and going and got better and better. I would recommend seeing it while it's still in the theatre. It's worth it. This is one of the good ones.


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