LOST: Season 4... A reflection...

I have always said that season 4 of LOST is, hands down, the worst season ever. However, I might be wrong. I bought the entire series on blu-ray (which is awesome), and I started watching the episodes from the beginning. I waited a fair amount of time after the show had ended because I was upset about the stupid ending and I didn't want that to taint my experience. Yes, I am a total geek. Anyway, I'm currently watching season 4, the weird episode when Jack has appendicitis (stupid). And yes, some of the storylines are weird and the freighter people are obnoxious (just Charlotte, really), but overall it's a good season. The acting is great even though the writing sucks, and Jin gets some great scenes - especially when he talks to Charlotte in Korean - that scene was awesome. Anyway, it's really not that bad. I think watching the episodes week to week is a huge mistake. I know that's why I really hated season six of the show - I never had any idea what was going on and I was largely confused about the entire plotline. But I hope that when I get to those episodes again, they make more sense.

Season 4, although it was the writer's strike season, was good because it tried to tell a good story about what happened once they got off the island and what happened when they thought they were being rescued. What's cool about the freighter people is that you kind of see the story through their point of view, whether that was intentional or not. And the people on the island pretty much seem like crazy people, which they totally are by that point. Charlotte, again, is awful. They picked the wrong actress and they played her character all wrong. She acted too bitchy and too entitled and too much like she was a total genius when you knew she wasn't - proof of that was she ended up dying. Ha ha. But I liked Miles a lot more than the first time around, and I especially liked Daniel Faraday more this time. Their characterization was good and they fit into the cast well. Charlotte didn't, but then again, she sucks. And I love the main military guy from the freighter - he is really good at playing a bad guy.

Ooh! It's a John Locke episode! They are totally the best. And every scene with Ben in it is absolutely fantastic. He is a total scene-stealer and I hope people watch his new show that starts this fall, Person of Interest - it will probably suck but he is an amazing actor. Anyway, this season is good, and even though it's a bit disjointed, it makes total sense. I hope I have this same reaction to the final two seasons - but I'm pretty sure I will hate that one episode in the final season where CJ Cregg is Jacob's mother. Ugh it was an awful episode.

Anyway, here's hoping! And yikes that scene with Horace and his bloody nose is probably still going to give me nightmares.


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