Winter 2009 and Twilight!

So winter classes started yesterday and I’ve already had two classes: Family & Gender in Modern American History (the one I need the blog for) and Museum Administration & Collections. Tonight I have Historical Methods from 6-935. I always think those classes are a good idea and I swear I always regret it. But ah well, if I’m going to graduate at the end of the summer I have to take whatever’s offered whenever it meets.

It’s okay so far – lots of papers, same as usual. The only thing I’m not looking forward to is the exams – I honestly believe that graduate students shouldn’t have to take exams. But whatever. I do what is asked so I can get my diploma, which is really all that matters at this point. In fact, I have some reading to do for tomorrow’s class – it’s a mixed undergrad/grad class (the family & gender one) and I feel bad for the undergrads because it’s more work than most 400 level history classes at Wright State – well… not really, but it seems that way, anyway. It’s actually not that much work at all, just sort of time intensive. I expect that the room will not be as full as it was yesterday.

So. I read these fantastic books over break, the Twilight saga. It’s mainly for teens, but they are captivating and interesting and about vampires. I love them. I will start reading them again soon. There’s a movie out as well, which is slightly disappointing, mostly because the acting is extremely poor. The movie could have been really awesome, but it was aimed for teenagers, of course, so they had to cast it a certain way and shoot it a certain way. It’s kind of funny that Cedric Diggory from the HP movies is the lead and Sadie & Volchek from the OC are both in it, but that’s the sort of thing they had to do to get an audience. I am silghtly worried how the fourth movie would be because the book ROCKS super hard and I’m not sure the cast that is in place now would be able to handle it.

I like tea. I think I’m going to buy a tea kettle and a teapot. I looked it up online and apparently making tea is way more in depth than I anticipated. Fun, though… I think. At least now I’ll be able to put my presents from Jeff & Juanits to use. Lol.


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