Under god, Classes, DirecTV

Okay, so I was wrong before about the site for the reserach blog for my class. The actual blog is here http://www.daytonstories.org/childhood/ - enjoy! It’s apparently a group blog where all six members of my group will be posting their research progress. Sounds cool enough. Tomorrow I’m going to try and get to the archives on campus to do some actual research that will actually count for something – here’s hoping.

So far the quarter seems like it will be fairly easy – I’ve pretty much picked my topic for my 700 paper, which is the thing I was the most stressed about. I’m going to keep up with my research on the pledge of allegiance and the addition of the words “under god” – I used to hoenstly believe that it didn’t matter what you wrote a paper about as long as you got it done and got an A. I now know that you won’t be motivated to do ANYthing for a paper or a class if you aren’t at least a little excited about the subject – and I am DEFinitely excited about this. I’m hoping to do something similar with my capstone project for the program – maybe like a blog with oral histories about the pledge. I’m not sure yet, and I’ll have to run it by the director before I can get started. I mean, what’s the point of doing a project for credit if you don’t actually end up getting the credit for it? Right?

I already have an artifact for my artifact paper – a wrench that I think dates to the 1850s my dad found in the basement. That’s the first big assignment that’s due this quarter, and it’s only a 5-6 page paper with a PastPerfect entry to go along with it. Piece of cake. I’m going to write that next week if I can, get that out of the way. The next thing that’s due is my research paper for family & gender, and as long as I can get up to the archives a few times, that should be pretty easy too. The rest is due in March – so I’m hoping for a relatively stress-free quarter.

Next quarter I’m going to take another seminar (my last one! hooray!) – this one is with Margie and is titled Readings in Oral History, which is perfect for me because I love oral history. I’m also taking Archival Record Technology, which I’m assuming is a sort of follow-up class to the records management one I took – it would also be good to force myself to learn about digitizing and all that because I don’t know much about it and have no desire to learn on my own. Ryan is better at that, so I should just ask him to teach me what he learns. I sort of wish I took the advanced archives class this quarter to learn how to process a collection (cause I don’t know how) but Dawne said I’ll be doing a lot of that in my internship with her so it’s not essential that I take that class anyway. I’m also going to take U.S. Women’s History 1950-Present as a grad class. I know, I know, I already took it as an undergrad and it’s sort of cheating, but it’ll be easy and I really liked it the first time around. PLUS, Dr. Garner is back teaching it (online) and taking an online is super fun and much less gas will be used. I’m pretty excited about the quarter – it should be fun. THEN, in the summer is my internship and then I’m done! Eek!

OOH more news – I ordered DirecTV this morning and they will come install it next Friday. I’m sick of Time Warner, and to be honest, I’ll be paying the same amount that I’m paying right now. I pay around $40 now for just channels 3-78 and I don’t have a dvr or anything. Just regular cable. Now I’ll be paying around $40 for satellite, over 150 channels, AND a dvr. I really miss my dvr and I barely watch tv anymore because of it. But I tell you what, Ryan is lucky. Because I didn’t have a dvr for so long, I dropped a lot of the terrible shows I had been watching and only watched the ones I really liked – which makes it a much shorter list and eliminates some of the awful stuff I used to watch like the secret life of the american teenager. But I can’t wait to get my dvr. Yay!


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