Goodbye, Facebook.

There is nothing more irritating to me than people who make fun of Facebook users for not paying attention to the world around them or for stalking people they used to know. Why is everyone else so occupied with how I choose to spend my time? It's not anyone else's business but my own. While saying that, I am pretty sure I'm going to quit Facebook. Really, the last straw was the addition of Facebook Messenger. I hate that I was forced to either download the app or never see my messages again. Like, Facebook is so popular and has such a monopoly on the social media market that they can just do whatever they want and you can't stop them. To hell with that.

I don't use Facebook to "like" things and get status updates on celebrities or the news - I use Twitter for that. In fact, I pretty much exclusively use Twitter to the point that I have my Twitter and Facebook accounts linked together. I am NOT saying that I think social media is evil. I love the idea and I am waiting to become an Ello user, as soon as they get out of beta testing. And I don't think technology is evil - quite the opposite, actually. But I'm over it. Just like MySpace became ancient, there is no real use for Facebook. At least not for me.

I don't play games on Facebook, although I do have games that are linked to it. I keep my list of friends extremely small because I hate the constant posts about nothing. When I say that, I don't mean what they ate or think about Angelina Jolie, I mean quiz results and pictures about nothing. And when I took a real look at my friends list, 25 are coworkers that I seriously see almost every single day, 12 fall into the family category, another maybe 20 or so from high school or the military, and that's pretty much it. I don't learn things about them I didn't know and only have a voyeuristic relationship with most of them - how does that help me or do anything for me? At least Twitter makes me laugh and tells me about the news and makes me happy when celebrities re-tweet things I comment on. Facebook even stole the hashtag from Twitter, and very ineffectively. So I'm sorry Facebook. I remember when it was only for people with a .edu email address - maybe it should have stayed that way. A temporary social media site for when you're in college or work there. I haven't had much real use for it outside of college, anyway. I just have to export my pictures out and then I'm done.


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