Gotham: I am a bad nerd.

I watched Gotham last night, and the new episodes of The Big Bang Theory - thankfully, The Big Bang Theory is just as good as season... 3 or so. The only problem with the show is I'm not a big fan of the girls. Penny is fine, but it's pretty unbelievable that she would be engaged to Leonard and it's almost impossible to believe that her best friends are Amy and Bernadette. Where are her dumb friends? She would totally have some. And Bernadette is WAY too one dimensional and doesn't add anything to the show. Amy, on the other hand, has grown on me and I think she's finally getting some of the funnier lines. But the essence of the show is the four guys together doing nerdy stuff, and that doesn't happen very often anymore. The show won't be on forever, so they should really stick to what the people like. Unless the people like the boring relationships. I don't.

Anyway, Gotham was interesting. I am ashamed to say I know very little about DC Comics or any comics and I only have movie knowledge about Batman and Superman. Overall, it was entertaining, but they went a little too out of their way to introduce the characters. I mean, Catwoman and Poison Ivy could have waited for another episode. And who is Jada Pinkett-Smith supposed to be? Is this some character from the comics that I'm supposed to recognize? She is bad at acting, although she has cool hair.

One good and creepy character is the guy playing the penguin - very believable and very creepy. He's my favorite so far. Well, except for James Gordon. I thought I would hate him because in my mind, the real Commissioner Gordon is Gary Oldman, but Ryan Atwood from The OC did a great job - he needs to work on his facial expressions, because pursed lips is not the correct expression for every situation. But so far so good - they did a nice job laying out how corrupt the city is and how Gordon is a good guy trying to clean up the city. Alfred didn't look quite right to me, but then again, that's just the movies seeping in to my memory. Maybe there's an app or something that would let me read old comic books. I will look into it, because that's the big hole in my nerd landscape.


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