Detail to New York
I am currently in Garden City, New York on detail for my job. Fun! Well, fun until my gps took me to the wrong place, then stopped working, lost my phone charger... anyway. I'm here and in a super nice hotel. But I swear, how do people live in an area where the traffic is so crazy? I haven't been in Manhattan yet, but so far it seems like New York is an anamoly - like, how is it possible that that many buildings can fit in that small of a space? It's crazy to see up close - seeing in in movies and on tv is one thing, but in real life it's actually creepy. And being in stopped traffic on the George Washington Bridge was also crazy. First of all, it's a really long bridge and I was stopped in the middle - it was like a movie and I kept expecting the bridge to crash or a plane to hit it or something - you know? Unnatural. Dayton, Ohio is more my style. Seriously. More interesting adventures to come...
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