Critic's Choice Awards

I didn't watch the Critic's Choice Awards, because it's usually really boring. Instead, I decided to just look at the winners for a sneak peek at who the Globes winners might be. The Social Network won best picture, which is fine, I guess. It was good or whatever, but I think Black Swan was better. Although, for mass appeal, I think The Social Network was the right one - more people have seen it and it's about something relavent and happening. Whatever.

Natalie Portman and Christian Bale won, which makes me extremely happy. The King's Speech won a bunch, and I haven't seen that one yet, but I'm not surprised. Colin Firth is awesome. Toy Story 3 won best animated, and if that goes any differently at the Globes, I will be surprised. The other nominated animated films were good and all, but I don't think any of them kept my attention like that one did. Although, The Princess and the Frog was really good too - but come on, Pixar is the best. Inception cleaned up with sound, cinematography and other awards like that, which was predictable but also awesome.

All in all, it seemed about right. No real surprises, and it seems like I need to see The King's Speech.


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