Records Management

Being a records manager would be cool. I mean seriously, it’s like the perfect job for me – I heart organization (at least with paperwork… it’s debatable when you see my bedroom) and I love filing things and making folders, etc etc. It is super fun. So.. that would be great.

At the moment, I have two applications in. One for a job at Wright State, which I keep doing even though I never get called for interviews, and the other one is really exciting. This girl Amy, who was in my Victorian England class, asked me to give her my resume and she would pass it along at this company in Dayton where they edit textbooks. Now, I’m a realist, so I never expected her to actually do it. But a few days ago, this guy calls and is talking to me about how they need people with history backgrounds for their social studies textbook team. Hooray! So he sent me this editing test, which was either really easy or I’m an idiot and missed everything. Who knows. I’ll let you know when I hear more.
Oops have to actually do some work!!


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