alright, so the fourth season of lost, so far, has been going pretty well. they started pretending like they were going to answer a bunch of questions but then decided not to, like always. however, we do know who some of the oceanic six are:
- jack
- hurley
- sayid
- kate
- sun
and nice try with the fakeout about jin – but i was not fooled. i know better.
obviously ben isn’t the sixth because he wouldn’t want people to know that he’s back, and we know it isn’t claire because kate stole her baby.
what about this as a hypothesis: when they got to the island they entered some sort of space/time thing that made it seem like it was a really long time before they were rescued when it was actually only like a couple days. they can’t tell people that because they’d think they were completely nuts. and it would also explain why hurley told the cop that he didn’t know ana lucia – if they’re going with the “she was killed on impact” story that would only make sense if they were there a few days, he wouldn’t have known her. it also makes sense because aaron is actually 2 years old instead of a few months.. although i suppose it could have taken them awhile for her to get a court date.
i don’t really like that theory, but i suppose if i don’t have purgatory anymore, i have to make do. john locke obviously has something to do with the island. like ryan says, locke is the only unextradordinary character on the island – there are drug addicts, rockstars, con people, doctors, lottery winners, murderers… and locke. he works at a box company and plays axis and allies. so it’s entirely possible that the whole thing is in his mind and he is finally able to go on his walkabout and kill stuff and be the provider for everyone and for once he’s the important one after all the shitty stuff that happened to him in his life. but if it’s a “who shot j.r.” thing, i think i’ll be pretty mad. and i think there will be riots.
or at least nasty emails.
from me.
i also have decided i hate the smoke monster. it’s retarded.
so it’s pretty much decided that john locke is the most central character in the show.. or at least that whatever he wants to happen will, ultimately, happen. like how jack totally shot him with a gun that i’m positive was loaded and it didn’t fire. and the reason locke wouldn’t have found jacob’s cabin is because jacob summons people to his cabin (so says ben) and maybe hurley was summoned as well. i don’t know why, but whatever.
online, everyone thought that michael is ben’s mole on the ship. apparently, they were right. but the only way that makes sense (according to me and ryan) is that michael made it all the way back to the state and THEN got back into contact with ben to get on the freighter. it was the same heading that the helicopter followed, which is what tipped everyone off in the first place, but whatever. i am mad that michael is back. he’s selfish and obnoxious and i hope sayid kills him. but then again, what motive would michael have to help ben at all unless ben has walt?
i also love how i’m sure they’re going to write into the story that walt looks older and taller for a reason, not just because the show’s been on for four years and it’s only supposed to have been 100 days. that’s funny. their bad for putting a kid on the show in the first place, i think. and if he really WAS on the island, how did he get there? because i highly doubt that both michael AND walt are both moles on the ship. unlikely. until the end of last season, i was one of the only people (i’m sure) still clinging to purgatory, so now i’m shifting to maybe a kind of time continuum where the survivors THINK they’ve been gone for 100 days but they’ve only been gone for a few days, or even perhaps a week. but i’m probably wrong. maybe it still is purgatory.
ultimately, i anticipate a sopranos-like ending. and that makes me want to cry.


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