Farina and the movies

I bought farina. Apparently I spelled it wrong last time, but now it’s correct. Farina. Mmmm. I haven’t had any yet because I fear it will be disappointing. Wow. I officially have nothing to talk about if all I can think to type is farina. Faaaarrrriiiiiiiiinnaaaaaaa.

Omg I‘m retarded.

I saw Iron Man with Ryan & Rachel and it was super awesome. Like… SUPER awesome. I hope it does really well and I‘m taking the parents to go see it on Saturday. Hear that, dad? Mom? Do you remember we talked about that? You have no choice. We’re totally going. Plus, this Sunday is mom’s day, so I will buy her a slushie. delicious! And we’re going to regal because when Ryan Rachel and I went to showcase by the Dayton mall, right before it started some obnoxious 15-year-old came out and announced that they have a (and I’m quoting here) “zero-tolerance policy” on cell phone, text messaging, and people putting their feet up on the seats, and if they see the light from your phone, they’ll come and ask you to leave and your ticket won’t be refunded. I swear, I wanted to be like “fuck that” and leave, but I had already payed and I wanted to see Robert Downey Jr. Damn. Missed opportunity. But seriously, I still live in America, and they can suck it if they think I’m not going to do whatever the hell I want to wherever the hell I want to do it. So there.

Anyway. I am excited about going to New Jersey next month and seeing family with Ryan.. it will be the first time the extended family meets a boyfriend and it will be great!!! Hurrah!!! I am also comforted that they’ll be grilling Evan probably a lot more than Ryan because Karolyn and Evan are engaged. At least that’s what I’m hoping. Please be nice!



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