Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part One

I went to see the new installment of the Harry Potter series. For the final book, they decided (rightfully so) to split the book in half and have two separate movies. Ultimately, I think it was a good decision, even if it made the first one insanely boring in parts. Overall, I really liked the movie, but it was definitely not for children. The violence was not for kids, and neither were the themes nor the general plotline. But I suppose if you were 12 or so when the first film came out, it would be appropriate for you because you would have grown up with the story and it wouldn’t be inappropriate. There were definitely some kids in the theatre that I thought shouldn’t be seeing the film, most definitely. I think that Emma Watson (Hermione) has grown up nicely and she is a fairly decent actress. That is really saying something because she was the worst actress in the first few films. Rupert Grint (Ron) was always good from the first film on, and now he has grown up kind of weird looking, but overall a pretty good actor. I hope he gets some good films or tv or something in the future, because he rocks. Daniel Radcliffe (Harry), has always been a bit of a disappointment, and his eyebrows are crazy bushy. I liked the scene where they all drank the polyjuice potion and turned into Harry because they all got crazy giant eyebrows and that was hilarious.

My favorite scene was when Kreacher showed up with Mundungus Fletcher. Dobby had tagged along because he saw Kreacher and Dobby’s reaction to seeing Harry and Ron was hilarious! And then when Dobby tried to tell the story about how they got there and Kreacher cut him off and Dobby stepped in front of him – also hilarious. And THEN when they were trying to get information out of Mundungus, Kreacher was poking him with a wand, which was awesome. Dobby was really good in this movie and they’ve done a great job making him look super real. Real enough that I cried (like a baby and in the theatre) when Dobby died. Shut up, it was sad.

The adults, as usual, were fantastic, especially the three Ministry officials Ron, Harry and Hermione used to sneak into the Ministry – they were great. Helena Bonham Carter was creepy and awesome, as usual. There is nothing else I like her in, but she is perfect as Bellatrix Lestrange. I love love LOVE Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy) and I thought they did a great job showing his transformation in this film. Unfortunately, if you’d never read any of the books and only saw the films, you would have no idea that he spent time in Azkaban. In fact, the biggest problem in this film is that – there were lots of little details you would only have known if you read the books. To me, that was no big deal because my brain fills in the details for me, but it sucks for other people.

And is it just me or do you think Voldemort (and others, I guess) should say Avada Kedavra really slow and creepy instead of super fast? It would be much more dramatic. I also wish they had shown more in the scene where they transport Harry to the burrow. In the book that scene is super cool and I was pretty sure the way they could tell it was the real Harry was because he said “Expelliarmous” and NOT because Hedwig was protecting him, but I don’t really remember.

Overall, it was good, but definitely not the best movie so far. Then again, it’s not the best book, either. I hope the final book is awesome, because that’s where all the good action happens. Here’s hoping!


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