Twilight: Eclipse

Okay, so I’m a huge fan of the Twilight series – not so much the movies, but definitely the books. The third movie in the series just came out and I just returned home from seeing it. It was… okay. The acting was horrendous, and they put everyone in this super thick makeup that was insane. Bella looked way too made up, like it was an attempt to make her look more attractive, but succeeded only in making her look like a drag queen. Plus, her eyebrows weren’t the same, and that is distracting. The acting from her was, as always, crappy. Slightly better than the last movie, but marginally.

Edward acted… weird the whole time. I don’t know if they made him act differently or something, but the connection between him and Bella just wasn’t there. This is something that kind of bugs me about the series when they adapted it to film. When you read the books, it’s Edward all the way. You kind of feel bad for Jacob but not really because it’s so obvious that Edward and Bella are supposed to be together. Team Edward all the way. But somehow, when the movies came out, it’s like they want you to be on Jacob’s side the whole time. Yes, he is definitely more attractive (in my opinion) than Edward, but they make it seem like Bella should totally pick him in the movies. And that isn’t really how the books are. But I will say, that as the movies go, I’m definitely Team Jacob. Which is weird.

The first whole chunk of the movie dragged on forever. The dialogue was strained and there were too many unnecessary pauses for no reason. The flashbacks were pretty cool, probably because they had nothing to do with Bella or Edward, who are both shitty actors. I especially liked Rosalie’s flashback, because it was about on par to how I pictured it… except for some reason I had her in a different decade, but whatever. I’m sure they were right.

I didn’t really like the new girl playing Victoria – she wasn’t as scary or weird looking as the other girl. And the newborn vampires weren’t really crazy and bloodthirsty enough for me. However, I really liked how they showed the vampires dying in this movie. It was like they were made of ice and shattered when they got hit or died – pretty cool. I really liked when Esme flung that one guy back and Carlisle knocked his head off – ooh and when Jasper ripped the arms off that other guy. Very awesome – except it took forever to get to the awesome fight scene. It was a lot of boring Bella stuff.

And the Cullens weren’t really in the movie, which is sad because they are interesting and fun to watch. But whatever. Jasper used to be super attractive but in this movie they made him kind of scary and crazy looking – and apparently now he has this Texas drawl that didn’t exist before. Funny. I think my biggest problem with the movie was that Edward came off really controlling and obsessive and Jacob came off fun and nice, which isn’t how it’s supposed to be. Maybe it’s just because Bella and Edward are really bad actors and they don’t have that connection like they should have. Credit Jacob and Charlie for all the funny lines, and once again I think Charlie was my favorite character in the movie. Hilarious! And also kudos for making Leah Clearwater exactly how I pictured her and just as irritating.

Overall, it was okay. Definitely nowhere near how good New Moon was, which is bizarre because New Moon, before the movies anyway, was my least favorite book. It’s going to be weird to see how Jacob’s imprinting goes in the final movie. In fact, the final movie in general is going to be interesting, because Bella really has to pull off being a newborn vampire, and I can’t imagine she’ll be able to do it. But we shall see. It was better than the first movie, especially with cinematography and stylization, and the fight scene was awesome – definitely awesome – but New Moon is probably my favorite movie still. Maybe because of Jacob – that kid is a funny actor.


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