LOST: The Finale
Spoiler alert, first of all. For the whole post.
So here’s the thing. It’s not like I expected all these answers or anything, but I did expect something… else. The way I figure it (and no, I haven’t read anything people have posted online yet), there are only a few possible scenarios:
It’s all in Jack’s head. Jack gets flung into the jungle of the island when flight 815 crashes, and dies shortly after the crash. In his head, he concocts this whole storyline – or it’s a test. When you’re about to die, it’s like purgatory kind of, and you have to pass some test or something like that to decide whether or not you get into heaven or hell or whatever. Jack’s test is to redeem himself by choosing to sacrifice himself to save others and how he can put other people first and that he can’t always “fix” things. Anyway, in the few minutes that he’s alive after crashing, all of this stuff happens, he passes the test by choosing to become the protector of the island and sacrifice himself. And then he goes to heaven. Good for Jack. My problem is while this is an okay theory and certainly makes all the crazy stuff makes sense, it’s a cop out and I think it’s very “who shot J.R.”, you know?
The flash sideways is purgatory. I like this theory, because as you know, puragtory has been my mantra this entire time and I like to be right, even if not really. This theory of mine is that everything happened the way it was shown. Jack chooses to become the protector of the island and all of that happens the way it was shown. Jack wakes up in the water, far away from the heart of the island. This isn’t weird because remember when Desmond turned the fail-safe key? He ended up in the middle of the jungle with no clothes on! So that’s no big deal. Anyway, so Jack wakes up all injured and stumbles over to where he was when he first got to the island, and dies. That all happened. The part that’s important is the flash sideways. That is not real. At some point, and it’s different for everyone, they die, whether it’s off or on the island. At the point they die, they go to purgatory, unless it’s obvious that they’re going straight to hell, like Michael and Ana Lucia, which is why they weren’t in the church at the end. The thing about the flash sideways/purgatory is that while it seems like time is linear and everyone interacts with each other and it seems like time is passing, it isn’t. Like Christian Shepherd says at the end, everyone dies at different times, but the flash sideways is a timeless place where they all are waiting to be… I don’t know, judged or whatever. Proof of this is that we sort of get the feeling that Hurley and Ben were together on the island for a very long time, but once they died, like everyone else, they end up in purgatory/flash sideways. Disappointingly, Ben isn’t going to heaven. So that sucks.
This theory I like, because it means that all the random crap that happened on the show wasn’t meaningless, we just don’t know the whole story. It makes sense that we didn’t get answers on what the smoke monster really is or what’s up with all of the Egyptian stuff – all this whole show is about is Jack. The whole show is his snapshot of his life, his island life, and what happens to him in purgatory and how he finally crosses over into heaven. This theory is my favorite, and I’m thinking this is the answer I’m sticking with.
So here’s the thing. It’s not like I expected all these answers or anything, but I did expect something… else. The way I figure it (and no, I haven’t read anything people have posted online yet), there are only a few possible scenarios:
It’s all in Jack’s head. Jack gets flung into the jungle of the island when flight 815 crashes, and dies shortly after the crash. In his head, he concocts this whole storyline – or it’s a test. When you’re about to die, it’s like purgatory kind of, and you have to pass some test or something like that to decide whether or not you get into heaven or hell or whatever. Jack’s test is to redeem himself by choosing to sacrifice himself to save others and how he can put other people first and that he can’t always “fix” things. Anyway, in the few minutes that he’s alive after crashing, all of this stuff happens, he passes the test by choosing to become the protector of the island and sacrifice himself. And then he goes to heaven. Good for Jack. My problem is while this is an okay theory and certainly makes all the crazy stuff makes sense, it’s a cop out and I think it’s very “who shot J.R.”, you know?
The flash sideways is purgatory. I like this theory, because as you know, puragtory has been my mantra this entire time and I like to be right, even if not really. This theory of mine is that everything happened the way it was shown. Jack chooses to become the protector of the island and all of that happens the way it was shown. Jack wakes up in the water, far away from the heart of the island. This isn’t weird because remember when Desmond turned the fail-safe key? He ended up in the middle of the jungle with no clothes on! So that’s no big deal. Anyway, so Jack wakes up all injured and stumbles over to where he was when he first got to the island, and dies. That all happened. The part that’s important is the flash sideways. That is not real. At some point, and it’s different for everyone, they die, whether it’s off or on the island. At the point they die, they go to purgatory, unless it’s obvious that they’re going straight to hell, like Michael and Ana Lucia, which is why they weren’t in the church at the end. The thing about the flash sideways/purgatory is that while it seems like time is linear and everyone interacts with each other and it seems like time is passing, it isn’t. Like Christian Shepherd says at the end, everyone dies at different times, but the flash sideways is a timeless place where they all are waiting to be… I don’t know, judged or whatever. Proof of this is that we sort of get the feeling that Hurley and Ben were together on the island for a very long time, but once they died, like everyone else, they end up in purgatory/flash sideways. Disappointingly, Ben isn’t going to heaven. So that sucks.
This theory I like, because it means that all the random crap that happened on the show wasn’t meaningless, we just don’t know the whole story. It makes sense that we didn’t get answers on what the smoke monster really is or what’s up with all of the Egyptian stuff – all this whole show is about is Jack. The whole show is his snapshot of his life, his island life, and what happens to him in purgatory and how he finally crosses over into heaven. This theory is my favorite, and I’m thinking this is the answer I’m sticking with.
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