LOST: Season Six

I personally believe that seasons four and five of LOST were not very rewatchable and ultimately sucked. That being said, I think I know what would make me relatively happy when the show ends. At Comic-Con this year, they released all of these videos that made it seem like once the nuke goes off, the crash never happened and possibly events change well before then too – more on that once I’ve watched all the videos, but the one for Hurley was pretty weird – maybe he didn’t play the numbers but still won the lottery. We don’t know, really.

In light of those videos, I think the best course of action is to go with two realities, one that continues with the survivors on the island and shows that the nuke didn’t do anything, and one reality where everything gets reset and we get to see what might have happened to each character had the crash and other stuff not happened. We might see Shannon, Michael, Boone, Ana Lucia, Libby, and Charlie again, if that is the case – which makes me think I could be right because some of them have been slated to return for at least an episode in the sixth season – Charlie and Shannon, anyway.

I will NOT be happy if I don’t get an answer to the smoke monster. Seeing the weird Egyptian lair does not count, and I want answers. I don’t know anything about hieroglyphics and I shouldn’t have to look on the internet to get answers to the show. I want answers, good ones. Concrete ones that make sense. I also would love to finally understand the numbers, but I’ve basically given up on that one.
So that’s my theory – dual and possibly parallel realities. Huzzah!


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