
Showing posts from April 4, 2010

The Golden Girls

Sorry it’s been forever since I’ve posted – I recently started a new job and it’s been monopolizing a lot of my time. Anyway, I have recently discovered possibly the greatest show in the history of everything: The Golden Girls. I mean, I knew about it and all, but I had never seen an episode until about a week ago. Not only is it probably the funniest show I have ever seen, it’s always fun to watch and it’s entertaining. I won’t bore you with the storyline – google it. But if you’ve never given it a try, do it. It’s worth it. The best part is that they show it ALL the time on tv, so I’ve already seen almost 30 episodes. Sophia is my favorite by far, and the best line I’ve heard so far was: “Look! There’s a black guy reading the news and it’s not even the weekend!” I laughed my ass off. Really. I’m not kidding. Watch a couple of episodes, no matter what you think about it. Hilarious. It’s like Sex and the City without the sex scenes and horse-face Sarah Jessica Parker. Woo! Plus, Bea A